Register for Winter Training - Endurance/Distance 2021 Session

January 30 – March 20

8 Week Program  |  1 Session Every Week (can pair with Speed/Interval program)
Program Cost: $80


With major spring races largely out of play, the Endurance/Distance program will not have a formal training plan and instead will offer weekly run distances/effort levels tailored to participants, from beginner to experienced. This program is appropriate for new and competitive runners.  This program replaces our typical Winter Distance Training Program. We'll hope to offer a Cherry Blossom Training Program for the rescheduled fall CUCB Ten Miler.

If you are ALREADY registered for a Speed/Interval session and are adding the Endurance/Distance Session as your second program, use the promo code WINTERTWO to save $25 off your second registration and get both programs for $135 total.


Burke: =PR= Burke (and other area running venues)
Saturdays: 8:30 AM

Reston: =PR= Reston
Saturdays:  8:30 AM

Vienna: W&OD Trail at the Caboose
Saturdays: 10:00 AM (note later start time)

Note: During COVID restrictions, meetings will take place OUTSIDE the stores when =PR= location is specified, and restroom access may be limited. You WILL be able to leave keys, etc., in the store but will be asked to avoid spending long amounts of time gathering.